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About TurkeyBites: 

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A Word From Our Producer


What is TurkeyBites?


"Cooking is one of those things that just comes naturally for me, and I think of it as a gift. I can cook almost anything and nail it on the first try, I learnt how to cook from my mum. 

As a teenager I wouldn’t say cooking was my first love, the passion for cooking started when I got married.


For me, cooking is a reflective moment and it gives me a clear head where I can gather ideas and think about almost anything. Preparing ingredients and putting them together to make something delicious is a way I came about TurkeyBites, it could be described as nothing out of something."

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The Birth of TurkeyBites

"TurkeyBites, you could say came from one of my creative moments. I remember few years ago I wanted to make something different and unusual for my family, as they got used to the typical Nigerian food. It all started with some leftover turkey in my refrigerator, chopped onion, mixed pepper, chilli pepper and seasoning. I could not believe the outcome of putting all of these ingredients together. It was spicy and it had an exotic flare to its taste. My family couldn’t get enough of it.


It became a weekly request in my household and because I cooked it every week, I was able to play around other ingredients, until I got a perfect taste and flavour. I then Introduced it to my friends and my church and it soon became a hit amongst my friends and my church. I remember the first time I introduced it as part of our menu for our first Sunday of the month celebration in church. I could never forget the good comments and word of praise I received. I felt so overjoyed, proud and accomplished. Most of all I enjoyed the joy and happiness on their faces, it was a beautiful experience.


I have received several requests to cook turkey bite from friends, family etc.

I believe Cooking is one of the most personal and intimate thing you can do for someone. When I cook for my family or anyone a lot of love and attention goes into it."


- Ronke Ogunlana

  CEO & Producer TurkeyBites

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